Athletics at Denstone is a growing core sport, with 80 students across actively participating in weekly sessions and competitions. Our athletes train three times a week and compete in a variety of fixtures, allowing all students the opportunity to demonstrate their skills. Students use training sessions as a valuable part of their fitness and personal development, supporting other sports and their future athletic aspirations.
Denstone Athletics fosters the importance of support and teamwork. The Athletics Leadership Team comprises of Captains of Athletics and Student Leaders from each year group taking warm ups, sessions and meetings, pushing athletic progression, dedication to the sport and a supportive team environment.
Fixtures have seen students go from strength to strength, competing internally, across the West Midlands and at the English Schools Athletics Association Championship. We not only have students who qualify for the County and Regional Championships, but consistently win medals for both track and field.
Denstone athletics has a dedication team of inspiring and skilled coaches. They drive progression in every training session for students to achieve their best, with student and athletic progression their top priority.