Personal Social and Health Education
The College addresses Wellbeing in a number of ways: weekly Wellbeing lessons to the 1st to 4th Form delivered by a specialist teacher, age appropriate presentations to Junior, Middle and Senior Schools and tutorials given by tutors addressing a wide-range of pastoral themes, such as friendships, anti-bullying, mental health and kindness. These sessions may well include short film clips, discussion topics, quizzes and news articles.
The 1st to 5th Form follow a dedicated scheme of work, delivered by the Wellbeing Lead, and further information can be found in our Relationships and Sex Education Policy.
The College also arranges age appropriate presentations using outside speakers for our pupils, parents and staff. Recent presentations have included Driving Safely, Online Safety, LGBT+, Mental Health, Finance, Gambling, University Life, and Sexual Health
Here are some things parents have had to say about the Wellbeing Programme
It is very good to see that the College is not afraid to get to grips with all areas of student life.
Thank you for organising the Mental Health presentation last night. I found it to be very informative and realised there were big gaps in my knowledge of the subject. It has definitely made me more confident in approaching the subject with my children.
Just to say thank you for organising a very interesting presentation. How little did I know!
We wanted to drop you a line to say how impressed we were with the presentation. We learnt a lot and can see the benefits of being well informed.