Religious Studies
Three-parent DNA treatment for rare defect raises debate
Media headlines such as those above remind us that careful examination of purpose, human nature, identity & value, and the meaning & integrity of any sense of ought maintains vitality. The subject gives young people the freedom and tools to think deeply, understanding and analysing arguments and commonly-accepted (or rejected) beliefs, relating to the above, with rigor.
Over five years, students cover key beliefs from the six major world religions, along with contrasting secular perspectives such as humanism, as they link to themes studied. Key practices within these religions are also studied, both enriching understanding of beliefs and building well-informed young people, responsive to a rich world and able to deal with difference and recognise shared goods.
Some models pumping out up to 40 times the legal limit of the pollutant nitrogen oxide – despite being marketed as more environmentally friendly.
The department is always looking for ways to extend and enrich classroom learning. Trips range from visiting relevant places of worship to a long weekend looking at the Philosophy found in Paris. We also attend and have hosted major A Level revision conferences.
Junior pupils study a carefully designed curriculum aimed at developing their religious literacy along with their confidence and skill as independent, critical thinkers. Philosophical and ethical thought are introduced, and are used to appreciate and evaluate the beliefs of a range of religions in relation to the divine and the nature of human beings. Pupils also spend a term studying the debate between science and religion, and looking at insight offered from both perspectives in relation to fascinating areas such as human freedom, morality and moral authority.
RS is an option at GCSE. We follow the OCR specification, which is broken into three sections: Beliefs, Teachings and Practices of Christianity; Beliefs, Teachings and Practices of Buddhism; and Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a Christian perspective.
BBC makes last minute changes to assisted suicide documentary, after Samaritans complaint
A Level RS is a popular option for study in the sixth form. We follow the OCR specification, which is broken into three equal components: Philosophy, Ethics and Theology.
A Level students are expected to undertake a significant amount of wider reading. To support students in doing this the department has put together a suggested reading list. The library is well stocked with all of the suggested reading and much more besides.