Business and Economics
Business and Economics are distinct subjects which are taught within the same department. GCSE Business is an optional subject which can be studied from the Fourth Form, with A levels in both subjects available as part of our Sixth Form curriculum.
The New 9-1 GCSE Edexcel Business course allows students to know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, and the integrated nature of business activity including the impact of business on individuals and wider society. Students will also be learning how to apply their knowledge and understanding of contemporary business issues and to different types and sizes of businesses in local, national and global contexts. Students learn how businesses begin and soon studying large plc and their main functions. The assessment consists of two one hour and forty-five-minute papers covering each year of the GCSE.
GCSE Business gives students a real thirst for studying the subject through to A Level either through A Level Business or A Level Economics; where this GCSE gives students a real flavour of the outside world.
A level Business is a popular and successful sixth form subject taken by students alongside many other combinations of subjects. Virtually all students will eventually work in some form of organisation, be it HSBC, a school, hospital, library or a family business; this course aims to prepare students for this experience by combining practical and theory-related study of everyday business issues. Those following other subject areas often choose Business within their A level options as it adds breadth to their studies.
The AQA A-level Business qualification is fully recognised by UK universities for degree course entry. From September 2015 students will study the new linear A-level Business, taking all their exams at the end of a two-year course. The A-level is assessed by three two hour written exams at the end of the course. Students study topics in decision making in business and strategic direction and change to name just a few.
The A Level Economics Curriculum
A Level Economics has grown significantly at the College in recent years. With no prior specific knowledge required, this course represents a first look at the subject for many of those who take it, offering a broad and challenging introduction to the microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis of many relevant economic questions; why is income inequality increasing in the world? What causes unemployment? Why are premiership footballers paid more than doctors? What economic measures can governments adopt to tackle climate change? Will population growth damage our standard of living? Economics helps students develop their skills of analysis and evaluation, nurturing an insatiable curiosity about real world issues and events in the process. Many students go on to take the subject at degree level, including Oxbridge, and it is a highly prized subject amongst employers. It also provides an essential beginning for students thinking of taking a broad range of business and management courses at university.
Students study the AQA A Level Economics specification, with final assessment in the form of three exams (two hours each), involving data, calculation, multiple choice, analysis and essay questions.