7th October 2022
On Friday 7th October 2022 a number of Old Denstonians and their guests gathered at the exclusive RAF Club in London for the London OD Club Annual Dinner.
The London OD Club is the longest running regional society of the OD Club and is steeped in history. Stories were shared and memories made over a three course meal and some fine wines.
A huge thank you to members for organising this event, in particular to Tony Norris, Hon Sec of the London OD Club who puts in a tremendous amount of effort every year to bring everyone together.
Forthcoming events.
The 2023 Annual Dinner will be on Friday 6th October and will mark exactly 150 years to the day that the first boys walked through the doors of the College! To book a ticket please contact Tony Norris here.
In addition to the Annual Dinner is the opportunity to meet in the summer months for a lunch. Event details will be shared closer to the time.